05 December 2013


Here is a collection of some of the designs I did for our main character. His name is Diogenes and he is a homeless man living on a big moving city with his dog Loppe. As you can see we've been around a lot of different looks for him, but the one I posted earlier(in a walkcycle) is very close to our final design.

03 December 2013

Vagabond Rail

Hello everyone.
I haven't posted anything here for a while - but that is not because I am not doing anything!
My bachelor film is well under way and it is keeping me very busy. I would like to post some things from it soon but for now you will have to make do with this:

It is a walk cycle I did so we could test our pipeline and different design aspects. It is at a stage right before compositing, so it will get some more niceness put on top. I will post it again when it is done.

If you are interested you can follows us here: http://vagabondshortfilm.blogspot.dk/

Thanks for stopping by :)

16 September 2013


In the beginning of the summer I was in Annecy at the animation festival. Here are some sketches I made down there plus a few from my everyday life.

12 September 2013

Some sketches and a commercial

Here are some more summer sketches:

And here is a commercial I made in school before the summer. We had around 5 weeks to do a 30 second commercial in groups of 7-8 people. I was the director on our commercial. It was great fun directing - something I would love to try again. My team did a great job and I had a lot of fun working with them. 
Check out my groups work: Lærke, Nynne, Maria, Simon, Steffen and Benjamin

The commercial was used at Roskilde Festival. It was cool to see your work playing on huge screens in front of hundreds of people.

Monday Night Croquis

09 September 2013


I have now scanned 3 new sketchbooks from this summer, so a wave of drawings is probably incoming!

08 September 2013


Here I wanted to try to work a little bit more with one of my sketches so I played around with it in photoshop for a little while. It was quite fun so I might do that more from now on.

01 September 2013

Long time no see

It's been a long time since I posted something on this blog - and I have plenty of sketches to show you from the summer!
A few months ago I was at the Annecy festival - so expect some frenchness coming up in my sketches.
I also spent my summer working at Nørlum on Song of the Sea and that was super fun!
But enough talking here are a few sketches - and once I find a working scanner I will keep them coming.