07 February 2011

Here are a bunch of croquis sketches I did in the last few weeks. There are 2 more but the files were corrupted when I tried transferring them to my computer, so they'll be coming later :)

Today we started at the media school. It was pretty great, we did some basic photoshop and I learned a couple of new tricks. Our teacher seemed really nice, and I'm sure he can teach me many things. I'm probably already gonna try some of the new things I learned on my partypictures from friday - which you will be seeing soon.
See you next time!
Friday night I was a photographer for a friend of mine. I took 1048 pictures of him DJ'ing and the rest of the party. Some of the best pictures will be coming soon!
Now here are some pages from my sketchbook: 

The next pages I drew on january the 22nd for the worldwide sketchcrawl. You can see other drawings from the day here: http://www.sketchcrawl.com/forum/viewtopic.php?f=55&t=6222 


Tomorrow will be my first day at the mediaschool and we'll be learning about photoshop. So I might throw a couple of drawings in here if something good comes out of it :)

And by the way - please feel free to comment on my posts and pictures. Both critique and random comments are very welcome!

03 February 2011

I'm tired and going to bed in a minute so I'll make it short. Here are a few of my other drawings from the Drawing Academy:

I'll start scanning other drawings than lifedrawings soon!

02 February 2011

Hi everybody! This is my first post on my very own blog - WOW!
As you can imagine it is pretty empty right now but I'm about to do something about that! I will start scanning my sketches and drawings and everything that I would like up here - but for now you'll have to make do with this:

Stay tuned!