27 February 2012

Story Of Animation Clean Up

Last week we did some clean up. We had to clean a scene from Story Of Animation by Tumblehead. This is how my scene ended up. I also threw on some colors.

26 February 2012

Bo is cool

So the photoshop course with my good friend Bo Mathorne is now over. It was fun and I certainly learned a lot which I look forward to playing around with. Today I worked on this(with a lot of help from Bo):

25 February 2012

Photoshop with Bo Mathorne

The first day of our weekend course with Bo Mathorne is over. It has been fun trying to do stuff in photoshop. I am still struggling with it, but I think it is getting better and better!
This is the piece i worked on for a bit today:
It is not finished, so I might continue working on it later.

20 February 2012


I'm back from a week of vacation, and I present to you the two assignments I did before the vacation:
Dance Animation:

Midyear Test:

You can read about them on my vimeo page!
Later on I am going to upload some sketches, so stay tuned.

04 February 2012

Showreel Februar 2012

We our having an exam next week and in combination with that we had to do a showreel from our first semester at TAW. It contains all the assignments we have done so far. Have a look and tell me what you think: