29 September 2011

A sad ball

This is my ball with an attitude/emotion. The assignment was to make a 7 seconds long animation of a ball in a certain mood or attitude. I had to do a ball that was sad. 

22 September 2011

Seaweed linetest

More animation basics

These are a couple more basic excercises. At the moment I am working on seaweed in the water. I might upload it later today. 

21 September 2011


We have finally started learning traditional animation - and it is so much fun! Here are a few examples of what I have been doing:

More will follow!

13 September 2011


 So this is the short film that I spent the first 2 weeks on together with Julie, Høgni and Mie. Hope you like it!

02 September 2011


Hey everyone!
A week ago I started at TAW. It's really great and very fun. In a weeks Time I will have a video to show. Meanwhile, here is a drawing of a group member of mine: